I am going to bump this post even tho it's so old, because I am experiencing
what I think is the same issue and I'm tired of continuing to read and
getting nowhere; I've been in these newsgroups for a couple of hours now
trying to figure this out!
I have a template design where there is a Title and Slide Master pair, in
'Master Mode,' that cannot be disconnected, and then in design mode, a third
slide (I refer to as "content," for lack of a better/proper term). The third
slide does not appear when I view Master mode, but the Slide and Title Master
pair do.
I am unable to remove objects from the slide master and copy the "content"
objects into it, nor can I alter the background. I've found a quick & dirty
workaround to insert new content slides by, while in design mode, clicking a
"content" slide and then clicking "Insert" and "Duplicate Slide" on the menu
bar. But, I want to be able to tell people how to do it properly, to
"Insert" a "New Slide."
Any ideas? I am using PowerPoint 2003.