SLI Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter oggycompton
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I have 2 8800GTS 320mb cards that are installed correctly, are being seen by
device manager and are taking the system memory. However, I am unable to set
the PC to use SLI mode, there is no option in the Nvidia control panel and I
am very stuck.

Any help would be appreciated.

Is your system board SLI compatible?

Not all boards with two x16 PCI-E slots will run SLI as Nvidia actively
prevent it working for marketing reasons in their drivers on some boards,
although technically it could work on almost any system board.

If your system board is Nvidia SLI approved have you put the SLI bridge
between the two cards?

Also both PCI-E slots need to be running at x8 at least to enable SLI, some
earlier system boards has a set of jumpers to change the two slots from x16,
x4 to x8, x8

Peter Lawton
Yes, my board is SLI compatible and I have put the bridge between the cards
in place.

My board is nForce 650i SLI if that helps. As for the x16 thing, I dont know
what you mean with that. Bit of a noob?!?!

Hope this info helps. I have unistalled all nvidia drivers and reinstalled
and still no sli option.

Thanks in advance
Thanks for your continued help Peter, but I have already set up the system
board to enable SLI, this is confusing to me as well because I appear to have
done everything correctly :(

Anymore ideas?
Sound's like you've got everything set right

The only other thing I can suggest is to re-install the latest drivers from
the Nvidia site and when you re-boot you should get a pop up message asking
if you'd like to enable SLI

Peter Lawton
That was the box I was hoping to see but it has never come up. Could it have
anyhting to do with the cards being made by different manufacturers? Even
though they are both 8800GTS's

Thanks and any other advice.
Presumably as they are made by different companies the BIOS is different?
They are both 8800GTS's though.

In Nvidia control panel there is no enable SLI option, and I have been on
the forums that you suggested and they seem stumped. I know which option it
is you specify as I have had SLI up and running on an XP system.

Anymore ideas?