Windows XP slave/master jumper issue

Mar 28, 2008
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I inserted a new cdrw and dvdrw and only the cdrw would work so i switched the master slave setting round and now they both aren't recognised and they wont work. I dont know how to fix them, please help.:confused: :confused:
If you are gonna use 'master & slave' jumpers they also need to be in the correct places on the ribbon cable.

The 'modern' 80-wire ribbon cable has a black, grey & blue, you are using an 80-wire ribbon cable, ain't you? ... here, he gives you pics ;)

i did that and it worked thanks but i put ma disc in and the little cd rom comes up nxt to the cursor bt it doesnt do anything any ideas ????
Have you got "AutoPlay" turned off ?? Have you tried right clicking on the cd icon and using one of trhe options from the drop down menue ??

auto-play is still on. I re-installed the game to see if that would fix it. All that happens now is it will install then load and shut off quickly. It's on xp if that changes anything?