Slave Drive Seen But Not Heard



I just recently reformatted my C: Drive and before I did this I was in a
Master slave config that worked excellent. Now with same drives same config,
Windows Xp Home Edition sees the drive. In Computer Management I can't get
Windows to accept it, No Option to assign Drive Letter, Only to Format or
delete. It sees it as a 'Basic' Partion, Heathy, active, the size the used
and free portions. Anybody have ideas as I really didn't prepare for this
because it worked well in the past. Maybe an SP2 issue as I never have done
it with SP2 before? Help...

Walter Clayton

Go to and go to the free software section. Download
partinfo and unzip it.
Now the tricky part for the GUI folks that don't do command line stuff. :)

Open a command prompt in the directory where you unzipped partinfo.
Run the following commands:

partinfw >partinfo.txt
start notepad partinfo.txt

And yes, that is partinfW and not an O.
This will generate a report of your current HD and partition structure and
then open it in notepad.
Copy and paste the results back here.


Thanks Walter for the tip, But I get my results and copy them but as to where
I paste them I am stumped. Please elaborate.

Walter Clayton said:
Go to and go to the free software section. Download
partinfo and unzip it.
Now the tricky part for the GUI folks that don't do command line stuff. :)

Open a command prompt in the directory where you unzipped partinfo.
Run the following commands:

partinfw >partinfo.txt
start notepad partinfo.txt

And yes, that is partinfW and not an O.
This will generate a report of your current HD and partition structure and
then open it in notepad.
Copy and paste the results back here.


Darnko said:
Thanks Walter for the tip, But I get my results and copy them but as to
I paste them I am stumped. Please elaborate.

Before getting too involved with Walter's suggestion -- perhaps it might be
better at this point to consider the following...

1. This second drive you're having problems with has data on it, right? It's
not a new drive or some older one whose partition(s) have been deleted,
right? It's been partitioned & formatted, right?

2. You say that before you reformatted your C: drive you were "in a Master
slave config that worked excellent. Now with same drives same
config, ..." (the problem began). Then you didn't change your
connection/configuration of those two drives in any way following the
formatting of your C: drive, right? You're sure that the Slave drive is
properly connected and that its jumpered position is correct, right? Might
it be wise to recheck the IDE cable connections and jumpered position of
your Slave drive?

3. Since your second drive recognition problem began following the
formatting of your C: drive (I presume you used the XP installation CD to
perform the formatting, right?), do you recall whether there was any
reference to your second drive during that process and/or whether you made
any entries or selected any option that referred to that second drive?



Hi and thanks Anna for your input,
These are things that I have gone over in my mind, I would of and did have
the two drives separated, C: power on D: off , if I do any work on the other
Drive. You know I changed out my cable with a Brand new one, connections all
good. Your also correct in that the way i did this config in the first place
was Install fresh Windows on each Drive. Then when it came time I started it
up in A M/S config, C: was happy it had all it needed to run and be the Boss
OS. D: didn't care about anything either I simply deleted Windows Folder,
Happy Days ahead. That was the past I just put D: thru a CHKDSK and its fine,
healthy with no Windows OS. I am thinking what does Windows XP need to see on
a Disc (the minimum) so it will allow it on, or to be seen. Yes your correct
this is alot of Data that I dont have backed up, I just could not see this
happen after it has worked well for years and gone through many C:
Reinstallations. If I could find that "Minimum" I might get it .
Thanks Again,
Onward Through The Fog,

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