
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

As im about to be half the world away from a lot of good friends, i have just downloaded Skype. I dont want to sit with a microphone and speakers, and have been looking at these USB Skype phones. I take it they take away the need for headsets etc? You can just pick up the phone and dial the number through Skype and connect to someone else who has Skype and an VoIP phone and Skype installed?

Also, can you use it to dial landlines and mobiles? And is there any significant difference between the cost of using Skype and just a regular BT phone?? Just wondering if it was worth it, i would be calling mobile phones in Australia from the UK.


So i could use it to call mobiles in oz and i just buy like skype money or whatever it is? But its free if the other person has skype and a skype phone?
Yeah it's a great idea but I also would prefer a proper phone then to use a headset

If I was to get one I would do away with my BT line all together cause I use cable ;)
Why cant you get a skype phone?!! Are they not like 20 quid or something?

There is an interesting question, i take it someone cant call your skype phone from a regular land line? Basically just Skype to Skype yeah?!
I want a cordless one which is about £50. And I can think of better things to spend that money on :)

I think you can have a skype account allowing for a normal phone to ring your skype account.
Should have all the details on the skype website
Bodhi said:
There is an interesting question, i take it someone cant call your skype phone from a regular land line? Basically just Skype to Skype yeah?!
Thats what SkypeIn is for i believe. :)
The £50 phone is great...

It plugs in to USB **AND** Your PSTN (Regular telephone) line...

You just choose which way you want to call someone on the handset.

You can also buy adaptors that convert normal phones to Skype phones :)
yeah i've seen those Skype converters but would prefer the nice £50 phone :)

mmmmmmm we need a new phone so perhaps it would be a good idea :thumb:
Looks like i'll really need to look into this. I'll be home in a couple of weeks and need a way to call oz as cheap as possible, Looks like you can call oz for as little as 1p a minute which is amazing!! Is there a list of all the call charges somewhere? I think i may need to read through the whole skype website and get started on this, seems to be the future!!
I've been using Skype for around 6 months now, but only computer to computer. The sound quality is great but it does sometimes disconnect. I've only ever used it, so far, to talk to USA from UK.

And yes, as has been mentioned, you can get Skype phones, some are quite cheap, around a tenner.

I actually prefer the headset, leaves you hands free instead of having to hold a phone to your ear. Which leaves you free, if you're on your computer, to use the computer. Comes in handy for sending pix and stuff whilst you're talking.

Edit: I actually made a spelling mistake there. It originally read: 'I actually prefer the headset, leaves your nads free instead of having...'

Glad I spotted that one :lol:
floppybootstomp said:
Edit: I actually made a spelling mistake there. It originally read: 'I actually prefer the headset, leaves your nads free instead of having...'

:lol: :lol: :lol:
floppybootstomp said:
Edit: I actually made a spelling mistake there. It originally read: 'I actually prefer the headset, leaves your nads free instead of having...'

Glad I spotted that one :lol:

Whats wrong with that!? :confused:

:lol: Oh the visual images :lol:

I'm going to be pmsl over that one all day i reckon!
:)Back to topic.

You can get skype phones over there? I've never even heard of one down here. Can you get them as 'cell phones' or just as replacement Land Lines? So far I've only ever used it comp to comp although I knew that you could call landlines. Need to go & check the prices again though.
There is actually one on ebuyer for £20 which has a speaker phone built in which would be idea, it would leave your NADS free while talking on the dog and bone. £20 is nothing, im definitely going to get one when i get back and get stuck into it, see what it can do!!
Only the doro phone runs with macs & it's not cordless altho a reasonable price. Wish they shipped overseas :(
You could always ask one of the nice fellows on the forum to get it and send it for you!! :-)

I will be in NZ on Saturday, but alas in not in britain at the moment!!