Right, Patti, but the link has the
explanation: on that system, I just now installed
the .NET framework, in setting up the new OS.
Thank you.
Uhhhh, no, not quite, Patti. I got to the run>>control etc.,
and saw the box to uncheck, and unchecked it. But when I
rebooted, it didn't pause at that I.D. place, but went
by a few new boot-up milestones and then loaded a new
wallpaper and OS. I wanted it to load my waalpaper and apps.
What was available as Users and Groups in that windoe
was three lines:
Username Group
Administrator Administrators
William B. Lurie Administrators
I'm hoping that you'll tell me what to change so that it
just boots up to the OS I'm accustomed to, immediately
after a screen appears saying "Loading your Personal
Settings". As for passwords, in this area, whenever a
password is suggested as being required, I just hit
"Enter" for (no password). Thanks for your assistance.