Sizing Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Curt
  • Start date Start date


Is there another method to set the size of forms other
than MoveSize? the MoveSize macro seems somewhat hard to
use. Thanks for any help

If you are trying to fine tune the form positions to this
level, you should probably be using VBA and not macros. You
can get very specific with MoveSize, etc... in code.

Gary Miller
Sisters, OR
-----Original Message-----
Is there another method to set the size of forms other
than MoveSize? the MoveSize macro seems somewhat hard to
use. Thanks for any help

What is hard on sending this one statement?
DoCmd.MoveSize posLeft, posTop, posWidth, posHeight
This might be the best way at ACCESS 97.

I think that you can set the windows-properties .top
and .left at ACCESS 2000 instead of this.
