Size of font in preview

  • Thread starter James Silverton
  • Start date

James Silverton

I am sure this is bound to be a FAQ but I am one very puzzled new user
of FrontPage (2002). The font sizes display as expected in the Normal
view but not in the Preview nor when the document is opened with IE
when only one size is used. I believe that Preview uses the settings
for Internet Explorer and I must have somehow have constrained it to
one size. I would be very grateful if someone could please tell me how
to set Preview and Internet Explorer (6.0) to use the sizes specified
in the HTML.

If I should have been able to find the answer in the Help files I will
be very pleased to be told how :)



In Internet Explorer:
Tools->Internet Options - General Tab
Click the Accessibility button
Clear all the boxes.
Click OK, Click OK

James Silverton

Ronx said:
In Internet Explorer:
Tools->Internet Options - General Tab
Click the Accessibility button
Clear all the boxes.
Click OK, Click OK
Thank you very much Ron! It really worked!

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