I am confused also. I don't think that it should have to prompt me for
username & password, but it seems that only when I have the big list
displayed is when it prompts me with the username & password thing. It
doesn't anywhere else.
Here's what happens - first the Normal, then the way that it barks at me
when I have the 5000 records.
First I load my page, and then I pick a distribution channel in my dropdown
list - a big one - with 1900 records in it. I click on the sort, and sort
it by state order, then by customer name, etc. then export the list to
Excel. All works fine.
If I do it the way that gives me trouble, I click on a radio button that has
the "All Items" on it.
I have it disabled to where they cannot sort this list, but then, if I click
on any of the controls on the web page, it prompts me with a box that
resembles the NT Challenge response box that has:
Connect to mycomputer.mydomain.com
and in the grey part of the box, above where it has already populated my
domain\username, and prompts for my password, it says "Connecting to
I'll enter my password, and click Remember Password, and it'll prompt me 2
more times before giving me a 401.1 Unauthorized: Logon Failed page, that
says "You are not authorized to view this page".
I know the page works, as the sql I'm using is executing against a database
that isn't even on my local machine, and all the other queries work fine.
It's just that when I have this big datagrid loaded, it yaks at me doing
anything at all to it with the controls I have on the screen. The code for
displaying everything is here:
RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = -1
cmbChannel.SelectedIndex = -1
lblDC.Visible = False
cmbChannel.Visible = False
DataGrid1.Visible = True
ss = "select ssoldto, sshipto, ssalesgrp, ssalesrep, sdistrchnl, scustname1,
sstreet, scity, sstate, szip_code, stelephone from tblmaster_shipto "
ss = ss & rSQL
ss = ss & " group by ssoldto, sshipto, ssalesgrp, ssalesrep, sdistrchnl,
scustname1, sstreet, scity, sstate, szip_code, stelephone "
ss = ss & "order by " & sortfield & " " & sortdirection
DataGrid1.AllowSorting = False