d3r4f said:
Every time I go to a new page, site the miniumized size always comes up, how
do I get it to come up to the full page sizze.
Here are a few ways:
- The IE windows opened through links open to the size remembered from
the previous window opened. So close all but one IE window, resize it
to fit the screen and press the Ctrl key as you close the window. That
size should be remembered for awhile, at least till a window opens with
a forced size, say, when you click on a link from a website, e.g..
- One way to convince links on the desktop, or Quick Launch bar to
actually open maximized:
1. Open the Start Menu, right-click the IE shortcut, click Send To,
Desktop (Create Shortcut).
2. Right-click the shortcut, click Properties, and change the "Run:"
pane to read "Maximized". In the "Target:" pane, edit it so beyond
'"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"' you add a space,
then the address you want to open, so it looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"