Joe Coulter said:
Thanks for your reply, however I dont fully understand how to work it, I
have done the following:-
Created a new Module called clFormWindow containing the Code from the
Calinoiu link you suggested,
Be sure that you save this as a class module, not just a standard module.
where I am at a loss is wher to place the code
you suggest:-
Dim fw As New clFormWindow
fw.hWnd = Application.hWndAccessApp
With fw
.Height = 900
.Width = 1200
.Top = 60
.Left = 50
End With
Note that the values I gave there for the various properties are just for
example. You didn't say exactly what you want to do with the application
window, just that you want to manipulate its size and position.
You need to put that code into a procedure that will be run at startup. If
you have a startup form, you could put it into an event procedure for the
form's Open event. That way, at startup Access will open the form, and the
form's Open event procedure will run to execute the code.
If you don't have a startup form, and don't want to create one, then you
could put the code into a function in a standard module, and use an AutoExec
macro to run it (using the RunCode action). But a startup form is easiest
by far.
Sorry for any inconvience, I am not fully code literate and would
soem assistance.
I'm happy to help you, but you'll have to let me know what areas give you