Todd, you are mixing some terminology here.
Forest is a collection of domains that share a common schema. A tree is a
collection domains with contiguous namespace (a.local, b.a.local,
c.b.a.local,.....). A site is a group of well connection networks. You
create sites, so that you can control active directory replication. Site
basically describes a physical network topology to AD meanwhile
forest/trees/domains define logical structure of your network.
With that said, based on your description, you could create 4 sites, for
your office locations. The decision on multiple domains/trees is based on
your security requirements and company structure. Normally people go with
one Forest/domain, and then organize network resources in OU's. You can
create different OU's for your office locations and the below OU create OU's
to further group your resources (computers, users, departments,.....).
Matjaz Ladava, MCSE, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Active Directory
(e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed)