My W2K3 Domain is a Single Domain with several Branchoffices (Sites).
We do have one Main Office and from there the companies policy requires
a star topology for the other sites.
I did configure the sites, assigned subnets, conifured site links. There are
DCs at the main site and 1 DC at each remote site. Site Replication Partners
(connections between the DCs) are managed automatically by ADS.
The Problem:
The DC at each branch office, is still trying to replicate with all other
DCs (Mesh Topology). I deleted the unwanted connections - the next day they
are all back.
I only want Remote DCs to replicate ADS and NTFRS to the mainoffice.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
My W2K3 Domain is a Single Domain with several Branchoffices (Sites).
We do have one Main Office and from there the companies policy requires
a star topology for the other sites.
I did configure the sites, assigned subnets, conifured site links. There are
DCs at the main site and 1 DC at each remote site. Site Replication Partners
(connections between the DCs) are managed automatically by ADS.
The Problem:
The DC at each branch office, is still trying to replicate with all other
DCs (Mesh Topology). I deleted the unwanted connections - the next day they
are all back.
I only want Remote DCs to replicate ADS and NTFRS to the mainoffice.
Any suggestions?
Thank you