Site opens page, but does not change domain in the address bar

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Version: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2...

Remember this whole threat that happened a few years ago when hacker could
show in address bar a different domain, but underneath it would be some other
website? Not sure if this is a real threat, but thought I should put out the
word here.

Here are the steps to repro:

1. Open IE and navigate to some website.
2. Open another IE session and navigate to Lacoste at this
point will run some flash and ask you to choose country.
3. Select US. It appears as if nothing happened.
4. Navigate back to the first browser window - this still shows the same
domain, but the page underneath has changed to lacoste!!
Hi Rahul,

No problems with me. Clear your temporary internet files or reduce the
number of windows you have open at one time. Sometimes when you have alot of
windows open and are using alot of video memory, the screen does not refresh
properly and toolbars (particuarly IE and Windows explorer) do not redraw
their windows and may appear 'transparent'.

Hmm... the error seems to happen only when the window 1 has GMail open in it.
Can anyone test this? Here are the steps again:

1. Open IE instance - load gmail in it.
2. Open another IE instance - load
3. Select country on
4. What happens to window 1 where gmail was?
This one is interesting. My system is W2K/SP4 with IE6/SP1. If I'm
logged in to GMail, going to transfers to, but clicking on a flag does nothing at all.
If I log out of GMail, clicking on a flag opens a new window (window 3)
with no toolbars, sized slightly larger than my screen. The original window (window 2) has become enlarged almost to maximum size.
The GMail window (window 1) is unaffected.

This is bad design on the part of both Microsoft and Lacoste. No web page
should be allowed to resize an existing widnow. That may not be a
security risk, but it's definitely rude.

It's hard to find anything good to say about the site. It's
sized without regard to the receiving system parameters, has a
non-functioning scrollbar, hard-to-read menus, obnoxious music with no
visible way to turn it off, and annoying animation. Defintiely a
candidate for Web Sites That Suck.

Rahul JAin said:
Hmm... the error seems to happen only when the window 1 has GMail open in it.
Can anyone test this? Here are the steps again:
Hi All,

I am pretty sure this is a bug with the Google toolbar (v4) and the way it
handles opening new windows.

On a XP SP2 with IE7RC1 and Google v4 loaded I opened a new browser instance
and did a g search in the first tab which gave me the results in the same
tab. I right-clicked on a result and selected Open in New Tab. The new tab
opened and focus whent to it. On the first tab the address bar showed a new
url, the url of the second tab.
