Site Expansion Ideas


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Finally, after 7 years of working on the site I'll have some free time ;) After this Friday, I'll be finished my degree :D

Next year I may be doing a PhD or going self-employed - but either way I'm going to have so much more time to dedicate to the site.

So, I'm taking ideas for things you'd like to see improved :D The news headlines and reviews are the first things on the list, as non-webnews is only occasionally added so I'm going to aim to add a few bits per day. With articles and reviews, I'm aiming to massively increase the numbers there too - as I should have plenty of time on my hands from now on.

There isn't going to be any changes to the site layout or advertising, as the layout works ok for once and I'm not a fan of advertising overloads! :)
7 years ... WOW

Great ... did you pass? :D

Ideas ... well, now, we need reviews & news of our own, not just some links off site, although some are interesting, most are just repeating what is written in the sales blurb.

Yup, reviews are a top priority :D

No idea if I've passed yet, I've still got 2 more exams :eek: This Weds is the hardest one I''ll have ever done in my life :eek: I'm doing a past paper now and not liking it one bit! Find out the results on 4th July, I can't wait!
Good luck, hope you do well, you deserve it. :thumb:

Good luck from me as well Ian - I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours :nod:
OOhhh yeah break a leg m8. Well not literally but you know what I mean ;)

No ideas for the site, I think it's fine as it is m8. However if I think of anything i'll give you a shout toodle do
wow admin

but I see you always put 100% in this site
you always seem to be on here!!!!
So I dont see how you can improve on 100%!

yer good luck and this site rocks!!
you have done a world class job!
Seven years! Good luuck Ian, you deserve it after all that education.
Thanks for the encouragement guys :D You can tell how much I'm revising as my crunching scores have shot up now that the PC is hardly used :lol:
New Ideas

How about a cutting edge technology part or even a new medicine part ..both seem good to me ..the medicine would fit in alongside the crunching forum...
Only an idea ..brainstorming with myself :)
pcreview rocks

Get the exams over with Ian & then lets look at it.

I like the site as it is, it's one of the things that made me join, but may be some new sections. What may be an idea would be to have a "guest" writer each week writing about a topic or view that they would like to air? I know i would jump at the chance to do that.

I would like to see the crunching section may be advertised more, as i'm sure there are more crunchers out their, well all these are just ideas floating were my brain should be:D
I'll see what I can do this week to work on these ideas - getting more content online is the primary goal, although I think most of the improvements will come online in mid July, as we're moving flat in a couple of weeks.

Looking forward to working on PCR again :D