The index page has resume' dunno what the ' is for, maybe: résumé (in North
American English; also sometimes spelled resumé or resume)
The Services page has a image that doesn't exist.
Some body text is serif, some is sans-serif stick to one style..also I think
some font sizes are different as well.
The banner image on About Us is stretched and looks a little googy.
Minor stuff.
| Ok, for starters:
| ( and please take this as "constructive" criticism )
| Home page:
| We write powerful career
| statements that express
| your achievements and
| skills dramatically and
| grabs attention in seconds
| needs to be something like:
| We write powerful career
| statements, that express
| your achievements and
| skills dramatically and
| grab attention in seconds
| We've been helping people jumpstart there careers for 25 years
| needs to be:
| We've been helping people jumpstart their careers for 25 years
| If your not happy we're not happy
| needs to be either:
| If you're not happy we're not happy
| or
| If you are not happy we are not happy
| At the very bottom of the page.
| Change the copyright date at the bottom of the page. It is now 2006.
| Shouldn't it be centered??
| Also, this:
| &
| ©Site Design
| is way over on the right all by itself.
| and there is a blue bar on the left below the copyright and email info.
| You may want to check your entire site for grammatical errors.
| If you want folks to believe you create "Awesome" resumes, you need to
| sure your site is grammatically correct.
| Last but not least, your "Discuss with friends" image is hot linked from
| another site instead of being on your server.
| It also has a tag that's not compatible with some browsers.
| <image should be <img
| hth
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > I've been working on my site, and would like
| > to know if it has come up to standards, and
| > what I can do to make it more informative,
| > inviting, and of course make more sales.
| > Thankyou.
| >
| >
| > Professional Resume Crafting