this may be overkill
(maybe I've overlooked some "trick"), but....
here be a specific function that
you can save in a module and use
in your query:
Public Function fInTextRange(pField As Variant, _
pLower As String, _
pUpper As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_fInTextRange
' pField: string that starts with number and may
' or may not end with single char
' pLower: string that starts with number and may
' or may not end with single char
' representing lower test range
' pUpper: string that starts with number and may
' or may not end with single char
' representing upper test range
'output: True if pField falls between "human-recognizable"
' lower and upper range
Dim lngField As Long
Dim strField As String
Dim lngUpper As Long
Dim strUpper As String
Dim lngLower As Long
Dim strLower As String
'if pfield is null, zls, or all spaces, return false
If Len(Trim(pField & "")) = 0 Then
fInTextRange = False
Exit Function
If pField = pUpper _
Or pField = pLower _
Or (Val(pField) > Val(pLower) And Val(pField) < Val(pUpper)) Then
fInTextRange = True
Exit Function
'only test cases left are where
'1)Val(pField)= Val(pLower), pField <> pLower
'2)Val(pField) = Val(pUpper), pField <> pUpper
If Val(pField) = Val(pLower) Or Val(pField) = Val(pUpper) Then
lngField = Val(pField)
strField = Right("0" & pField, 1)
lngUpper = Val(pUpper)
strUpper = Right("0" & pUpper, 1)
lngLower = Val(pLower)
strLower = Right("0" & pLower, 1)
'case 1
If lngField = lngLower Then
If strField > strLower Then
fInTextRange = True
fInTextRange = False
End If
'case 2
If lngField = lngUpper Then
If strField < strUpper Then
fInTextRange = True
fInTextRange = False
End If
fInTextRange = False
End If
End If
fInTextRange = False
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fInTextRange
End Function query,
SELECT yourtable.*
FROM yourtable
SELECT yourtable.*
FROM yourtable
Good luck,
Gary Walter
Gary Walter said:
How do I do the following? Single out rows in my table by using my primary key
my criteria? My primary key are numbers, but are defined as being text (as I
sometimes have letters tagged on the end of the numbers, eg. 8b). How do I tell
access to single out all rows which are, for example, between 7 and 16b? I tried
using the following criteria: Between "7" And "16b" -- but access says this syntax
is incorrect.Hi Casa,
I might just write a general function
that accepts a text field value and an
upper and lower text range, then returns
true or false.
But...for your specific instance, try
SELECT yourtable.*
FROM yourtable
((IIf(Val([yourfield])=16,Right("000" & [yourfield],1)<="b",True))=-1))