Is it possible to set folder options so that small displays don't have
huge windows, and still use the one window setup?
Alternatively is there a way to set the multiple windows operation so
windows close themselves instead of stacking up on your screen?
1) Windows are resizable but I suspect you know that. Are you using a
utility to switch between desktop sizes and that's where you're running
into large windows when using a smaller desktop with larger display? If
yes, I believe there are some third party tools that help to remember
Windows sizes on a per user basis. A search on Google or one of the
shareware sites should uncover something useful.
I've never used this program so cannot recommend it but it's an example of
what I found with a quick search for "keep window size xp" :
2) When working with Explorer, you can set it to open in the "same window"
or in a "separate window." Use Folder Options> General> move radio dot to
"open folders in same window" to avoid an accumulation of open Explorer
If you are instead referring to multiple windows from multiple programs,
these are not going to close until you exit the program.