Jay Wilson
I have a form that has 2 combo boxes on it. The selections for combox2
dynamicly change based on what is selected from combox1. If combox2 only
has a single selection available, I want to automatically have combox2 use
it without me type anything. How can I do this?
I thought I could do the following, but it doesn't do what I want. I made
sure "Column Heads" is set to No. I know the "If" condition has been met,
because I traced the execution, but I never see the Value appear in
If Me.Combox2.ListCount = 1 Then
Me.Combox2.Value = Me.Combox2.Column(0)
End If
dynamicly change based on what is selected from combox1. If combox2 only
has a single selection available, I want to automatically have combox2 use
it without me type anything. How can I do this?
I thought I could do the following, but it doesn't do what I want. I made
sure "Column Heads" is set to No. I know the "If" condition has been met,
because I traced the execution, but I never see the Value appear in
If Me.Combox2.ListCount = 1 Then
Me.Combox2.Value = Me.Combox2.Column(0)
End If