Single Excel Cell to Access Form

  • Thread starter Robert Blair via
  • Start date

Robert Blair via

I've read a couple of other similar threads but haven't been able to
implement the solutions suggested in them.

I am using Access 2000, Excel 2000 and Word 2000. In Access, I collect
various personal income and expense data, then, through the use of a
command button, export that data to an Excel workbook with several sheets,
the two which use the Access data being "Data" and "Form".

The command button on my Access form is properly extracting and exporting
the data from Access to Excel "Data" sheet which then updates the "Form"
sheet, saves, closes Excel and returns control to the active Access form.

I would return the resulting calculated values in two adjacent cells "B29"
and "C29" on the Excel Form worksheet back to a text box on the active
Access form as part of the Sub for later use with a Word Mail Merge.

Is this possible and how do I implement the solution?

Robert Blair via

Boy, is my typing horrible this morning. The last two paragraphs should
have read:

I would like to be able to return two of the resulting calculated values in
two adjacent cells "B29" and "C29" on the Excel "Form" worksheet back to
text boxes on the active Access form as part of the Sub for later use with
a Word Mail Merge.

Is this possible and how do I implement the solution?

Maybe that's a litle clearer. Need more coffee........

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