Since no get any reply, resend my question. It is very urgent to get the answer. Thx!

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Hi All,

Sorry for disturbing you. But I really need the answer or any suggestions to
a Netmeeting and Qos question.

When we work with Netmeeting on Windows XP, the "Type of Service" value in
the IP header of the audio packets is 0xa0, and the ToS value in the video
packets is 0x60,0x00 is for chat communication packet.

I also tested them on another OS including Windows 2000, Windows 2003
Server, Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows NT Workstation.

The ToS value for all packets (Audio, Video and Chat) on these OSs is 0x00
by default.

Have we any methods to change the ToS value in Netmeeting on these other OSs
to the same value on Windows XP?

Based on the following Knowledg Base article:

222102.KB.EN-US Traffic Prioritization Using IP Precede;EN-US;222102

We can set IP Precedence for packet prioritization using Quality of Service
enabled programs, computers,routers, or layer 3 switches.

How to do it in Netmeeting?

I really appreciate your time and any reply. The question has been boring me
for too long time.

Best regards,

You are asking questions requiring specialised knowledge and expertise.
Best that you re-ask in the newsgroup for netmeeting and/or networking
..e.g. microsoft.public.internet.netmeeting.