You're welcome Bill. I hope it works out for you.
| Thanks Jimmy, I'll give it a try. Yes, I was installing
| Hot Date and another one I tried was Party House (I think
| it was called). Both had the same error message.
| Thanks again
| Bill
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hi Bill,
| >
| >It sounds like you're installing one of the Sims
| Expansion games i.e. Hot Date
| >
| >Make sure that "The Sims" is currently installed on the
| computer before attempting to install the expansion pack
| (i.e. Hot Date. If
| >the game is installed then it is possible that the
| registry entry for "The Sims" has somehow gotten damaged
| or removed. In either
| >case, to resolve this issue, please follow the steps
| below:
| >
| >To resolve this first run The Sims Eraser. This will
| remove the Uninstall Log for The Sims. You can
| >Next, you will need to remove The Sims directory.
| >
| >To Uninstall:
| >1. Click on the Start Menu, then Programs and go to the
| game folder. (Default is, Start Menu>Programs>Maxis>The
| Sims)
| >2. Click on the ""Uninstall The Sims"" icon to uninstall.
| >
| >To delete the game folder:
| >1. Double-click on My Computer
| >2. Double-click on the harddrive your game is installed
| to. (Default is C:\)
| >3. Go to the folder where the game is installed to on
| your computer. (Default is C:\Program Files\Maxis)
| >4. Click once on The Sims folder, now press delete on
| your keyboard and choose yes to delete.
| >Be sure to empty your recycle bin prior to reinstalling.
| >
| >--
| >Cheers, Windows XP MVP
| Shell / User
| >Jimmy S.
| >
| >
| >Game FAQs:
| scid=FH;[LN];gms
| >Visit my / Gaming Helpsite:
| or Call / Contact
| >MS Support at:
| scid=sz;en-us;top
| >My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I
| confer any rights.
| >_________________________________________________________
| >
| message | >| Hi, Can anyone tell me why I can't install a Sims Game.
| >| The error message I'm getting is:- error getting
| install
| >| path from registry. Aborting installation.
| >|
| >| I've tried a few times and I'm still getting this
| message.
| >|
| >| Thanks & Regards
| >| Bill
| >|
| >
| >
| >.
| >