im wondering if i have to do anything special to use my Sims 2 games on
vista after i have installed it. Like if it has already moved them or if i
have to install them again and i will loose all my saved setting in the game.
Now i am only 14 and i have my own computer and if you reply try to make it
as simple as you can so i can understand!!! tehe!!! also will i have enough
memory for my games along with all the other basic programs you have to have
to run vista alone and enhance it with only 1GB? because if i don't have to
buy more memory i wont because im only 14 remember and i have no money!!
tehe!!! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
im wondering if i have to do anything special to use my Sims 2 games on
vista after i have installed it. Like if it has already moved them or if i
have to install them again and i will loose all my saved setting in the game.
Now i am only 14 and i have my own computer and if you reply try to make it
as simple as you can so i can understand!!! tehe!!! also will i have enough
memory for my games along with all the other basic programs you have to have
to run vista alone and enhance it with only 1GB? because if i don't have to
buy more memory i wont because im only 14 remember and i have no money!!
tehe!!! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!!!!