Simple. Yet Annoying



Hey Peeps.

I have what is probably a very simple problem to solve but can't figur
it out (it's probably just me!!!)

I want to enter number in different Cells, but when i insert a numbe
that has a decimal in it, it just rounds it off to the nearest whol

I want to enter numbers like 7.8, 8.5 and 6.5, but, for some reason
and i can't figure out why, it keep rounding the numbers up to 8, 9 an

Can anyone please advise me on how i can stop this from happenin

Frank Kabel

format the cell either as 'General' or choose a different number format
(goto 'format - cells')

Dave R.

Select the cell or range of cells, right click, select format, and choose
number with 1 or 2 decimal places.

Trevor Shuttleworth

Increase the number of decimal places displayed in the cell from 0 to 1 or
2, whatever




If I'm understanding your question right, you just need to format th
cells where a value will appear. Highlight the cells (or column)
right click, then Format Cells, select Number, then enter the number o
decimal points you want


Many thanks to everyone who has replied to my earlier posts, but i'
still having problems with the Cell showing the decimal Place.

I have done what you all suggested:
Format Cells > Number, and then change the decimal place. But it i
still not working.
If i'm not mistaken, when i did it that way, #'s were actuall
displayed instead of numbers. I then put the cell format back t
General and when i typed in 7.8, it just rounded it up to 8 again.

Is there another way of displaying 7.8 in a cell without it bein
rounded off



If you are getting ###'s instead of numbers, that suggests the colum
isn't wide enough to display what's really in it. Widen the column ti
the ###'s disappear. Is there a number or an error message? If it's
number, right click on it and select Format Cells. Is "Number
selected? If it is, what is shown in the Sample box (it should displa
the formatting as you've selected it). Does it show having one decima
place? If all this checks out, maybe you've got a corrupt worksheet.
Try creating a new worksheet with bogus data just to see. Format
cell per the above. Type in 7.8 and my guess is, if you've formatte
it properly, you'll see 7.8 in the cell

Dave R.

One more way to get a number without seeing a rounded number is to put a '
before the number, then it will be treated as text and will be displayed as
entered (can still do math on it though).

Dave Peterson

Are your columns wide enough to display all the digits?

If I format a cell as General and make the column skinny, then 7.8 will show as
8 in the worksheet. But it'll show as 7.8 in the formula bar.

If I format the cell as Number (2 decimal places), then it'll show up as ### if
the columns too skinny.

What shows up in the formula bar when you see your 8?

If it's really been converted to an 8, maybe you have a helpful macro that makes
your entry a whole number.

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