Dear Rvance,
Based on information provided from Microsoft Office Online help, To store
and quickly insert text, graphics, and other items that you use frequently,
you can use AutoText (AutoText: A storage location for text or graphics you
want to use again, such as a standard contract clause or a long distribution
list. Each selection of text or graphics is recorded as an AutoText entry and
is assigned a unique name.). Microsoft Word comes with a number of built-in
AutoText entries, such as salutations and closings for letters, and you can
create your own AutoText entries.
For example, if you use the same lengthy disclaimer in each monthly report
and don't want to retype it every month, you can create an AutoText entry for
the disclaimer.
Inserting AutoText entries
You can use the AutoComplete feature to insert an AutoText entry. When you
type the first few characters of an entry's name in your document, Word
displays a ScreenTip (ScreenTips: Notes that appear on the screen to provide
information about a toolbar button, tracked change, or comment, or to display
a footnote or endnote. ScreenTips also display the text that will appear if
you choose to insert a date or AutoText entry.), at which point you can
insert or ignore the entry.
If you send e-mail messages using Microsoft Outlook and use Word as your
default e-mail editor, you can insert the name of individuals you've recently
sent e-mail messages to by typing the first few characters of their name in
your document.
You can also insert an AutoText entry by selecting it from a list of entries
on the AutoText toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use
to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, click Customize on the Tools
menu, and then click the Toolbars tab.), from the AutoText menu (click
AutoText on the Insert menu), or by using the AutoText tab in the AutoCorrect
dialog box (click AutoText on the Insert menu, and then click AutoText).
Entries are divided by categories such as Closing or Salutation on both the
AutoText toolbar and the AutoText menu.
The entries you create will usually appear in the Normal category. When you
create an AutoText entry, it's automatically linked to the paragraph style
(paragraph style: A combination of character- and paragraph-formatting
characteristics that are named and stored as a set. You can select a
paragraph and use the style to apply all of the formatting characteristics to
the paragraph at one time.) of the text or graphic you used to create the
entry. The style is what Word uses to determine which category the new entry
appears in.
For example, if your report's disclaimer has the Normal style, Word links
the AutoText entry to the Normal style and it appears in the Normal category.