Simple way to check if a string is a correct integer?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Henke
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Is there a simple way to check if a string entered in a text box is a valid

Thanks in advance!
Use a regular expression to match the input with a pattern, say:

Match m=Regex.Match(inputString,"^[0-9]{1,}$";
if (m.Success) {
//whatever you want to do

The pattern above basically says:
[0-9] : check for the occurance of digits 0 to 9
{1,} : these can occur from 1 to infinite times
^ : there must be nothing in front of these digits
$ : there must be nothing behind these digits

Henke said:
Is there a simple way to check if a string entered in a text box is a valid

The easiest thing to do is just parse it:


and catch the exception that you get if it's not valid.
Alternatively you could reference the VB.NET assembly located in the
references dialog and use the IsNumeric function available in VB.NET.
Thnaks for your answer, but on what object should I use IsNumeric? Is it a
static function on some VB data type?


Peter Rilling said:
Alternatively you could reference the VB.NET assembly located in the
references dialog and use the IsNumeric function available in VB.NET.
Henke said:
Thnaks for your answer, but on what object should I use IsNumeric? Is it a
static function on some VB data type?

You'd call Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(string)

You'd also need to add a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Personally I'd steer clear of using the VB stuff - it makes your code
less portable (eg to Mono) and just feels a bit icky to me.

Is there a simple way to check if a string entered in a text box is a valid

I just refused to accept anything but digits and backspace!

// OnKeyPress - only accept digits..
private void OnKeyPress(object sender,
System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !(Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) || e.KeyChar == 8); // bksp
my email (e-mail address removed) is encrypted with ROT13 (
isNumeric sounds like it would have been a great method to be inside of
String. Can it be added?