I'm having a tough time creating a graph in Access that shows a simple time
line of equipment failures. The data to graph looks like this;
Expr1 FailDate Start End
0 2/11/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
0 2/10/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
0 3/21/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
What I want to do is have the Start and End dates the range on the x axsis
and a data point at each of the FailDates on a single line. I can do it in
excel by plotting the FailDate column as the x values in series 1 and the
first row of the Start and End date as the x values series 2 (then just not
show the series 2 data points on the graph), and set the column Expr1 as the
y axsis values.
The Start and End dates are fixed for each call of the report and all
FailDates will be between the Start and End. I hope this is enough
information and thanks in advance for your help.
line of equipment failures. The data to graph looks like this;
Expr1 FailDate Start End
0 2/11/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
0 2/10/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
0 3/21/2005 Aug-2003 Jul-2004
What I want to do is have the Start and End dates the range on the x axsis
and a data point at each of the FailDates on a single line. I can do it in
excel by plotting the FailDate column as the x values in series 1 and the
first row of the Start and End date as the x values series 2 (then just not
show the series 2 data points on the graph), and set the column Expr1 as the
y axsis values.
The Start and End dates are fixed for each call of the report and all
FailDates will be between the Start and End. I hope this is enough
information and thanks in advance for your help.