OK, I had to scrap most of my architecture, due to bad table design.
I'm starting with a simple order entry database " the sample from Ms "
Now, I have a products and orders table and all works so I don't want to
reinvent the wheel. But I have a question .
I have only two products for ex: (apples and oranges) but me they are condo
units and parkings. An order can can more than one of each thru the order
details table and all is working. But how do I connect my actual units table
and parkings table to the products table so that every unit and every
parking is a seperate product.
That implies we will have to enter evcery condo as a new product but at
=100,000 a pop it's not like we will enter more than a thousand or so a year
I guess I'm asking how to connect the four tables, Products which are the
Condos and Parkings which are each in their respective tables currently and
the orders table.
Bernard Piette
I'm starting with a simple order entry database " the sample from Ms "
Now, I have a products and orders table and all works so I don't want to
reinvent the wheel. But I have a question .
I have only two products for ex: (apples and oranges) but me they are condo
units and parkings. An order can can more than one of each thru the order
details table and all is working. But how do I connect my actual units table
and parkings table to the products table so that every unit and every
parking is a seperate product.
That implies we will have to enter evcery condo as a new product but at
=100,000 a pop it's not like we will enter more than a thousand or so a year
I guess I'm asking how to connect the four tables, Products which are the
Condos and Parkings which are each in their respective tables currently and
the orders table.
Bernard Piette