Hi All,
I try to create a simple python script with wmi module for starting
putty.exe at my computer /echo %OS% -> Windows_NT/.
The script is located at the Desktop of my computer. When I have
putty.exe at the Desktop the script is working, but when I move
putty.exe to another directory - > PUTTY_HOME="D:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\putty" it is not. The directory
where putty.exe resides is included in the Path environment variable.
Below you can find the result of my script line by line.
In [11]: a = os.getenv("PUTTY_HOME")
In [12]: a
Out[12]: 'D:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\
In [13]: os.chdir(a)
In [14]: os.getcwd()
Out[14]: 'D:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\
(without putty.exe on my desktop)
In [17]: process_id, result = c.Win32_Process.Create
In [18]: for process in c.Win32_Process (name="putty.exe"):
....: print process.ProcessId
(with putty.exe on my desktop)
In [19]: process_id, result = c.Win32_Process.Create
In [20]: for process in c.Win32_Process (name="putty.exe"):
....: print process.ProcessId
In [21]:
I want to keep the putty.exe under PUTTY_HOME, and have the script
working in the same time.
Probably the decision of the problem is trivial , but I can not find
Thank you in advance!
I try to create a simple python script with wmi module for starting
putty.exe at my computer /echo %OS% -> Windows_NT/.
The script is located at the Desktop of my computer. When I have
putty.exe at the Desktop the script is working, but when I move
putty.exe to another directory - > PUTTY_HOME="D:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\putty" it is not. The directory
where putty.exe resides is included in the Path environment variable.
Below you can find the result of my script line by line.
In [11]: a = os.getenv("PUTTY_HOME")
In [12]: a
Out[12]: 'D:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\
In [13]: os.chdir(a)
In [14]: os.getcwd()
Out[14]: 'D:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\
(without putty.exe on my desktop)
In [17]: process_id, result = c.Win32_Process.Create
In [18]: for process in c.Win32_Process (name="putty.exe"):
....: print process.ProcessId
(with putty.exe on my desktop)
In [19]: process_id, result = c.Win32_Process.Create
In [20]: for process in c.Win32_Process (name="putty.exe"):
....: print process.ProcessId
In [21]:
I want to keep the putty.exe under PUTTY_HOME, and have the script
working in the same time.
Probably the decision of the problem is trivial , but I can not find
Thank you in advance!