simple question on how a control works in browser...



This might a stupid question....

I using an IE Web tree control in a ASP.NET application and am
wondering when I click to expand the tree is the web application going
back to the control on the server or working on the client side?

And if yes to going back to the client side then how is it working?
When I do a view source I don't see a client side function to expand
the tree or is something being used within IE or the DHTML model?



Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

There are several properties on the new treeview control that allow the
control to do any of the behaviors you mentioned:
* All node data can be kept on the client side
* Or the control can use client side callbacks to retrieve the child node
data dynamically from the server when a user expands the parent node
* Or the control can post the page back to retrieve an updated view of the

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

Here's some server side code that uses javascript to display a confirmation

myDeleteButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", _
"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');")

In this example, the Delete button will post back only if the person
confirms they want to delete. Otherwise the server code is never called in
response to the button click.

Here's more info:

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

Sorry, this one was meant for another thread...

Steve C. Orr said:
Here's some server side code that uses javascript to display a

myDeleteButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", _
"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');")

In this example, the Delete button will post back only if the person
confirms they want to delete. Otherwise the server code is never called in
response to the button click.

Here's more info:

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