Just curious, sometimes I download some odd files on p2p networks that
turn out don't work. I always scanned them with Norton Antirivus 2k3
with updated virus definition beforehand, but I still wonder: do
antivirus programs only detect major, well-known viruses? Say, if my
file was someone's trojan horse that is very obscure and rare, would
this trojan horse be detected by a software like Norton Antivirus?
If you check some of the leading vendors, you will see the inclusion of
technologies such as Generic detection for finding new threats early, or
grouping numerous viruses into one detection instead of .a, .b, .c, .d, .e,
..f etc
Each vendor has their own way of doing things that they in turn promote.
The following are a couple of McAfee examples of generic detection;
You can get a bigger list by going to the virus information library at
http://vil.nai.com and searching for "ends with" from the dropdown box and
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_100282.htm - SpyBot.worm.gen - All members
of this worm family have a capability to record keystrokes into a text
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_10566.htm - Backdoor detection. This
generic picked up a new Sub7 variant back in Match, and you never needed to
update your DAT's.
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_10137.htm - ASPTrojan - This is a generic
detection for common compilations of AOL Password Stealer Trojans.
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99455.htm - Klez.H... Introduced in April
2002, detectable since January 02
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99273.htm - Exploit-MIME.gen - Generic
detection of MIME exploits used for some time to infect machines. Its not
detecting the virus itself, rather the mechanism which has been used. This
has been responsible for blocking numerous (and I mean "NUMEROUS!!!") new
viruses and worms at the gateway or desktop because they used the MIME
exploit MS01-020 in IE/Outlook:
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_10453.htm - OverBuf.Gen - This is generic
detection of script or Typelib (.HTA) files containing scripts that use the
Windows Scripting Host ActiveX implementations which use harmful technique
and/or code.
http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99066.htm - JS/IEStart.gen - This script
trojan simply alters the default start up page of IE - an activity not
unusual for dialer Trojans