i have a report with this source :
SELECT emp.ename, data.t1In, data.edate, data.t1Out, data.t2In, data.t2Out,
emp.eid, Format([edate],"mm") AS [Month]
FROM emp INNER JOIN data ON emp.eid = data.EID
WHERE (((Format([edate],"mm"))= " & month_var & "));
the month_var is a predefined public string and contain a value, so why the
report will still ask me to enter the value again?
SELECT emp.ename, data.t1In, data.edate, data.t1Out, data.t2In, data.t2Out,
emp.eid, Format([edate],"mm") AS [Month]
FROM emp INNER JOIN data ON emp.eid = data.EID
WHERE (((Format([edate],"mm"))= " & month_var & "));
the month_var is a predefined public string and contain a value, so why the
report will still ask me to enter the value again?