Be aware that many All-in-Ones Printers, are not able to scan or fax over a network, you can try by purchasing a print server for this purpose, but no guarantees that it will work with your All-in-One. Now Brother makes two (2) for about $130.00USD, models MFC-420CN & MFC-5440CN. It is compatible with MACs running OS 8.6 and above.
For the Epson CX1500 you have:
1. It seems that Epson is not MAC compatible (no drivers found at manufacture's site) as you found out. HP & Canon make some.
a. To use the Epson, it must be connected the Windows machine. Create Document in MAC, copy it over to the Windows PC, then from the Windows machine, print or fax it.
b. To Scan Documents, you will need to scan into the Windows machine first, then copy to the MAC machine.
2. With the Canon, installed (Drivers and Software installed) , running, and tested, on the Windows Machine.
a. Control Panel> Printers & Scanners> Select right click Canon Printer> Properties> Sharing tab:
1. Make sure it is set for Network Sharing.
2. Make sure that the Sharing name is less than 12 character long and that there is no spaces in the name.
3. With your MACs, after you have the Printer Drivers (and software if you want) installed.
a. In the MAC Printer's folder delete the Canon Printer listed there. Sometimes during the Driver Installation, it list the printer's name with a space in it.
b. Select Add a Printer> Go through the Process of adding a shared printer from a Windows to a MAC.
For additional XP & MAC Sharing info check the following sites:
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I've gone through two printers in the last two days. Ugh.
The Epson CX1500 wouldn't work on a Mac. Now the Canon iP1500 won't
work over a network.
My wife & I have four boxes: one WinXP desktop (which, for geometry
reasons, needs to be connected to the printer), one Power Mac and two
Can someone recommend a decent quality, fairly inexpensive printer?
"Fairly" meaning "it won't fall apart right away, but neither will it
require a second mortgage" ?
Thank you muchly.