simple if/then query


michael munson

I want to make a VERY simple query. I have a fieldname [web] which
contains URLs. Unfortunately, some of the fields contain data
formatted as and some are I
need all records to have http:// before the website address.

I can't seem to make the query work to make all fields be consistent.
I tried the following (but it resulted in putting http:// in front of
EVERY record... so the ones that already began with http:// had two.)

web2: IIf([web] Like "http://",[web],"http://"+[web])

How can i restructure this (or do something else) to make all my
fields consistent?


michael munson
(e-mail address removed)

Lynn Trapp

Use a criteria with the LIKE operator:

WHERE [Web] LIKE "*" & [Enter Website] & "*"

John Vinson

I want to make a VERY simple query. I have a fieldname [web] which
contains URLs. Unfortunately, some of the fields contain data
formatted as and some are I
need all records to have http:// before the website address.

I can't seem to make the query work to make all fields be consistent.
I tried the following (but it resulted in putting http:// in front of
EVERY record... so the ones that already began with http:// had two.)

web2: IIf([web] Like "http://",[web],"http://"+[web])

How can i restructure this (or do something else) to make all my
fields consistent?

The LIKE operator recognizes wildcards such as * - but if the string
does not have any wildcards, it is identical to the = operator.


IIf([Web] LIKE "http://*", [Web], "http://" & [web])

John W. Vinson[MVP]
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