ms said:
Karen, you said it perfectly. Years ago, I emailed Zdnet to provide
noinstall versions of the PC Mag utilities, and the answer was the
newbies needed easy install. What they missed is that newbies can't use
those utilities anyway, too complex. And that's still true for lots of
what I see today.
It's damned strange to imagine that people who don't know how to click an
executable from their hard drive, much less create links to it on their
menu, would be seeking file wipers, registry tools, encryption, etc. [1]
Then even for simple programs, say a basic calculator or notepad, why the
heck limit the prog to an annoying install distribution?
Many developers feel pressure to provide an install/uninstall release
because of the horrid trend for the major software sites to have that
"install/uninstall support" checkbox there, as if it were a good thing.
And some of those sites, like TuCows, even require installers. We might
not be able to turn that particular tide, with the big sites. But it
would be helpful if we could do anything towards getting more developers
to take up the practice of providing the choice of a small & clean release,
without an installer, equally available on their site.
Why is it so much to ask for a noinstall download, for a group who surely
is not small - namely, those who have "mastered that advanced skill" (?)
of clicking on an .exe.
[1] Yet, re PC Mag utils, I admit that they're right in that it's not
the strange imaginings of developers only, responsible. I've seen evidence
on the PCMag boards of some pretty lost maroons. One example was an AOLer
who put a PCMag util into its download folder, then a few days later
thought its computer "broke" (16 colors, maybe booted into safe mode)...
It first called AOL "tech" (oxymoron) support. They then told it to blame
PCMag. And that's what it proceeded to do, hinting that it was going to
sue, etc. =)
.. . .
footnote to footnote [1]
Yet the above, doesn't that type of situation make for a good argument for
then _completely avoiding_ giving out any kind of "wizard installer" with
more "advanced" utils?