Hello, I have a question. I have been searching for an answer online for the
answer with no luck. Is there a simple SQL script or query expression I can
use to calculate business days from a date the user inputs? I have found some
different posts on how to add business days but I beleive it is showing me
VBA scripting for a form which I am not quite understanding as I keep getting
an error message whenever I try. Ideally what I want to achieve is there is a
button the user clicks on and it runs this query which asks for a date. The
user puts in the date and then the query will ask them for the interval (just
for example the user says date of 1/1/09 and inputs 10 for the interval. I
want the query to display 1/13/09 as this is 10 business days (Monday-Friday)
from 1/1/09. Can anyone help? I have already figured out the expression that
will allow me to do this with just regular days and that expression is:
Expr1: DateAdd("d",[Enter Interval],[Enter Date])
answer with no luck. Is there a simple SQL script or query expression I can
use to calculate business days from a date the user inputs? I have found some
different posts on how to add business days but I beleive it is showing me
VBA scripting for a form which I am not quite understanding as I keep getting
an error message whenever I try. Ideally what I want to achieve is there is a
button the user clicks on and it runs this query which asks for a date. The
user puts in the date and then the query will ask them for the interval (just
for example the user says date of 1/1/09 and inputs 10 for the interval. I
want the query to display 1/13/09 as this is 10 business days (Monday-Friday)
from 1/1/09. Can anyone help? I have already figured out the expression that
will allow me to do this with just regular days and that expression is:
Expr1: DateAdd("d",[Enter Interval],[Enter Date])