If I add a row to a dataset which is bound to a datagrid, how can I change the backgrond color and text font etc
DataRow BlankRow = ds.Tables[0].NewRow( )
BlankRow[ "Commission" ] = String.Format("{0:c}", totalCommission.ToString())
DataView source = new DataView(ds.Tables[0])
ResultsDataGrid.DataSource = source
Thanks, Katie.
If I add a row to a dataset which is bound to a datagrid, how can I change the backgrond color and text font etc
DataRow BlankRow = ds.Tables[0].NewRow( )
BlankRow[ "Commission" ] = String.Format("{0:c}", totalCommission.ToString())
DataView source = new DataView(ds.Tables[0])
ResultsDataGrid.DataSource = source
Thanks, Katie.