Windows Vista Simple Database or Notepad

May 15, 2010
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I am looking for a form of diary that I can use from the Vista Taskbar. I write articles and want to be abe to check quickly on outstanding orders, where I am with orders, whether they have been completed, invoiced or if the invoice has been paid. I also want to be able to update individual customers when they place new orders, and what the last emails comms have been about.

A database doesn't do it because I also want dates when I have compleed each stage, but to be able to sort customers and entries by name when needed.

I want it to load into my Taskbar when I start my computer so I can access it with a click, and to be able to see where I am at any time but also have a history of transactons and communications with any cutomer.

A database such as Excel doesn't do it because of the date requirement, and it is alo not sufficiently user frindly for this type of application.

Something like a simple diary, with customer entry dates and so on would be great, but that I can also sort on names when needed.

Free would be great, but am also prepared to pay. If its not against the forum rules I can give a free copy of my Article Marketing eBook to anybody that offers useful advice or help leading to a solution. That might not suit many, but the offer is their. I hope I am allowed to do that!


Hi Pete,

I'm not aware of anything that can do this - although I'm sure it will exist. Try taking a look at and try some searches on there, as that has most bits of software that exist - it's pretty comprehensive :).

Good luck in your search!