Simple Database...I am desperate!!!!

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I am new to access.

Basically have a list of 100 stock ticker symbols, and am trying to be able
to assign an analyst to specific ticker, and have that analyst be able to add
notes periodically.

any ideas??????????????????
I assume that by "assign an analyst to specific ticker" you mean a
specific ticker symbol.

Can an analyst be assigned to multiple tickers? Can a ticker be
assigned to multiple analysts?

The table design below assumes that there is a many-to-many
relationship between analysts and tickers. Analysts can be assigned
to multiple tickers and tickers can be assigned to multiple analysts.

ticker_symbol_id - Autonumber
ticker_symbol_name - text

analyst_id - autonumber
analyst_name - text

analyst_id - number
ticker_id - number

analyst_id - number
ticker_id - number
notes - text

Jason Lepack
1. yes, that is what I meant
2. Yes, an analyst can have multiple ticker symbols.
3. No, only one analyst per ticker symbol.

I have no clue how to even set this up.

Thanks Jason
So you have a one to many relationship.

Go to the tables section, click on "design" and the grid will come up:

1) In the first column of the first row type AnalystID. In the datatype,
choose "autonumber". Then click on the key symbol (this is the primary key).
Save it as "tble_analyst"

2) Design a second table. Create the same field and choose "number" in the
datatype but do not click on the key. Save it as "tble_ticker".

3) Go to Tools -> relationships. Show the tables and drag the field from the
analyst table to the ticker table. Click on the checkbox that ensures
referential integrity.

That is basically it. Then you can add other fields to each table as required.
I should have started a step back.

I suggest that you sit down and work out the business requirements of
this databse before you even
get started.

Here are some business rules that I can think of:

We've worked out that the database entities so far are Analysts,
Tickers, and Notes.

Analysts will need to be added when hired (as well as initially)
Analysts will need to be deactivated upon leave of company
Analysts can be assigned to multiple tickers at any given time

Tickers will need to be added when they come up
Tickers will possibly need to be deactivated
Tickers can only be assigned to one Analyst at a time

Notes are taken by an Analyst based on a specific Ticker

Can you think of any more rules that need to be included, this so far
is a fairly simple database to put together, but you always need to
establish the business rules before you start developing.

Jason Lepack
anyway one of you guys are willing to talk over IM or phone. I am just not
gettin it here. Scuba I believe I have followed your steps, but do not know
how to enter in the analysts or for that matter the tickers.

I am unavailable the rest of this day , but tomorrow I am free.

Once again thanks for the help.
Send me an email to jlepack|remove for spam| and I will send
you a database that I just put together.

Jason Lepack
In the "tble_analyst" table you will need a text field for analyst name (or
preferably two field, first and last name or three for middle as well)

In the "tble_ticker" table you will need to add a text field for ticker name

If you have successfully followed this, next go to the "forms" section and
click on the wizard. In the dialogue box, choose all the fields from both
tables (apart from the ID field in "tble_ticker") and the wizard will
automatically create the form and subform for you. Then you can enter your

What I am not sure on is where you add your notes. Will the analyst have
many notes for each ticker for example?

Once you get the basics you can then ask specific questions. Keep a note
book for ideas and always create a new version for changes (v1, v2, v3, ...)