Hi, my environment is OS WinXP and MSoffice2003, I am fairly novice with VBA, but not completely.
I work in a clinic where each patient receives a diagnostic code. I am creating an EXCEL workbook with 31 worksheets (one for each day of the month), and an end of month total (worksheet 32).
Each of the blank daily worksheets will have activex comboboxes in some blank columns (10 patients or so). Each time a patient name is typed, a corresponding code will be selected from a drop down list on that row (blank rows should return a value of zero).
At the end of the month (worksheet 32), the totals from the selected codes on each daily worsheet should display: 100 patients with code 999, 50 patiens with code 777, etc.
I'm hoping this is a simple operation, with just repetitive code usage, any advice on how to proceed is welcome! Thanks.
I work in a clinic where each patient receives a diagnostic code. I am creating an EXCEL workbook with 31 worksheets (one for each day of the month), and an end of month total (worksheet 32).
Each of the blank daily worksheets will have activex comboboxes in some blank columns (10 patients or so). Each time a patient name is typed, a corresponding code will be selected from a drop down list on that row (blank rows should return a value of zero).
At the end of the month (worksheet 32), the totals from the selected codes on each daily worsheet should display: 100 patients with code 999, 50 patiens with code 777, etc.
I'm hoping this is a simple operation, with just repetitive code usage, any advice on how to proceed is welcome! Thanks.