Can someone kindly post some example code for a SQL query?
I have a table named Foo, with text fields foo and bar, and a numeri
field named type. At the moment, Access will display all of the dat
in my table in my three field form. I would like to be able to press
button, and perform a SQL query on the table. Something like: "SELEC
* FROM Foo WHERE type = 2;"
I've written some VB code to cause a button to do this, and while i
apparently runs without error, it also runs without changing the recor
I've been searching the web to no avail, trying to find out how to ge
this to work. It should be simple enough, right?
Can someone kindly post some example code for a SQL query?
I have a table named Foo, with text fields foo and bar, and a numeri
field named type. At the moment, Access will display all of the dat
in my table in my three field form. I would like to be able to press
button, and perform a SQL query on the table. Something like: "SELEC
* FROM Foo WHERE type = 2;"
I've written some VB code to cause a button to do this, and while i
apparently runs without error, it also runs without changing the recor
I've been searching the web to no avail, trying to find out how to ge
this to work. It should be simple enough, right?