Sorry about this but I'm new to ADO.NET (finally coming from simple ADO,
bless it) and I'm trying to create a simple three tier program.
Ie, User interface Layer / Business object layer / Database layer
I've got a simple program that is activilly populating and writing my
satasets. They are currently only mapping the database tables.So 1 dataset,
5 datatables and several relationships.
In this program I can't seem to hide the database information very well from
the user interface. What I'm looking for is an example that hides all the
connection and data objects in the middle tier, so that the user interface
simply has to deal with collections and such like.
Any examples please would be greatly appricated. All the examples I have
found so far have been writing to datagrids and missing the point
bless it) and I'm trying to create a simple three tier program.
Ie, User interface Layer / Business object layer / Database layer
I've got a simple program that is activilly populating and writing my
satasets. They are currently only mapping the database tables.So 1 dataset,
5 datatables and several relationships.
In this program I can't seem to hide the database information very well from
the user interface. What I'm looking for is an example that hides all the
connection and data objects in the middle tier, so that the user interface
simply has to deal with collections and such like.
Any examples please would be greatly appricated. All the examples I have
found so far have been writing to datagrids and missing the point