Is there any freeware answer to SnagIT?
Is there any freeware answer to SnagIT?
Is there any freeware answer to SnagIT?
Is there any freeware answer to SnagIT?
Peter said:Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1] wrote on 04/11/2004 14:11:
Is there any freeware answer to SnagIT?
Try MWSnap at http://www.mirekw.com/winfreeware/mwsnap.html.
I spent a reasonable time looking for this sort of thing and this one
was the best I came up with, and is very good / functional.
It was the one I used constantly until I got a free HypersnapDX 4.52.03
on a magazine CD. If you can track this down it has excellent
functionality, but if not MWSnap is a real good'un. The product itself
is shareware, but as I said, they are giving the previous version free
on some magazine CDs here in the UK.
I tried MWSnap a long time ago (I don't think it's been updated since)
and found it very unstable. I find Gadwin Printscreen to be the closest
freeware to SnagIt: