.......how do I install .msu files?
John Jay Smith said:.msi?
Spete said:Nope, msu, which I believe stands for Microsoft Update file, which can be
downloaded. Double clicking the file will get you a very basic help
function pop-up. Have triewd a few things, but so far with no result. It's
a bit annoying as the msu file(s) may solve my wireless problem (Intel
Badger said:It does seem to be an Update file. I assume you followed the directions:
a.. Click the Download button at the top of this page to start the
download, or choose a different language from the drop-down list and click
a.. Click Save to copy the download to your computer for installation at a
later time.
a.. Note that you must save the file to your local machine before running
It apparently should just install on a double click like an MSI file