With a proper signature delimiter (leading DASH DASH SPACE) things go
as follows after a few posts.
Poster one stuff. More stuff
Poster two stuff. More stuff.
Poster one stuff. More stuff.
WITHOUT a proper sig prefix :
Poster one stuff. More stuff
Signature info.
Poster two stuff. More stuff.
Poster one stuff. More stuff.
Signature info.
One could easily end up with a half dozen identical copies of the
signature info in a long thread. If nobody took the time to delete it
every time poster one posted.
So the latter option looks rather messy. Or, if people cut off poster
one's sig themselves it is causing them unnecessary work. Something
that should normally be done by the newsreader.
As an example, I am purposely including my sig in this post. Anyone
with a properly functioning newsreader should now be able to hit
"reply" and notice NO SIGNATURE.
Regards, John.
,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
\_,--.x/ http://www.aspects.org.au/index.htm
v http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/
When I respond, I usually delete the superfluous quotes, remarks, etc., at
the end of the individual poster's name. I did not do so on this one and
whatever "properly functioning" newsreader means.... presumably one that is
preferred by the individual attempting to coerce another into something.
Geesh, such is life.. you (plural) don't like my posts, don't read them.
But I'm using the newsreader that came with the machine (machines... and
different one's behave differently)... For those who have products to sell,
attention to get and/or other you will sse that below is stuff I see all the
time..... so when some one starts to rant and foam at themouthaboutsuchas
this thenI have to wonderwhatitsallabout.
Blinky Linux RU 297263
Spam: The Boulder Pledge http://snurl.com/bpledge
Digest: Best of Internet Oracularities http://snurl.com/dig_oracle
Outgoing mail (even plain text!) is spoof-certified Virus Free.
Checked by some alleged anti-virus system with no homepage.
Version: / Virus Database: 02 - Release Date: 8/19/08
The U.S.tax burden exceeds the cost of food, clothing
and shelter. ( http://www.TaxFoundation.org )
Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News
Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers!
Latitude: 44º 48' 20" N
Longitude: 68º 45' 41" W
as follows after a few posts.
Poster one stuff. More stuff
Poster two stuff. More stuff.
Poster one stuff. More stuff.
WITHOUT a proper sig prefix :
Poster one stuff. More stuff
Signature info.
Poster two stuff. More stuff.
Poster one stuff. More stuff.
Signature info.
One could easily end up with a half dozen identical copies of the
signature info in a long thread. If nobody took the time to delete it
every time poster one posted.
So the latter option looks rather messy. Or, if people cut off poster
one's sig themselves it is causing them unnecessary work. Something
that should normally be done by the newsreader.
As an example, I am purposely including my sig in this post. Anyone
with a properly functioning newsreader should now be able to hit
"reply" and notice NO SIGNATURE.
Regards, John.
,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
\_,--.x/ http://www.aspects.org.au/index.htm
v http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/
When I respond, I usually delete the superfluous quotes, remarks, etc., at
the end of the individual poster's name. I did not do so on this one and
whatever "properly functioning" newsreader means.... presumably one that is
preferred by the individual attempting to coerce another into something.
Geesh, such is life.. you (plural) don't like my posts, don't read them.
But I'm using the newsreader that came with the machine (machines... and
different one's behave differently)... For those who have products to sell,
attention to get and/or other you will sse that below is stuff I see all the
time..... so when some one starts to rant and foam at themouthaboutsuchas
this thenI have to wonderwhatitsallabout.
Blinky Linux RU 297263
Spam: The Boulder Pledge http://snurl.com/bpledge
Digest: Best of Internet Oracularities http://snurl.com/dig_oracle
Outgoing mail (even plain text!) is spoof-certified Virus Free.
Checked by some alleged anti-virus system with no homepage.
Version: / Virus Database: 02 - Release Date: 8/19/08
The U.S.tax burden exceeds the cost of food, clothing
and shelter. ( http://www.TaxFoundation.org )
Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News
Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers!
Latitude: 44º 48' 20" N
Longitude: 68º 45' 41" W