Can some one verify that .net 2.0 Signatures can not be verified by .net
1.1? I have been trying for about 2 months now and can not get it to work.
When verify the signature that i created with .net 2.0 it returns true. but
the the one generated by 1.1 returns false. On the 1.1 machine it is the
opposite? Could there be another reason for this?
Can some one verify that .net 2.0 Signatures can not be verified by .net
1.1? I have been trying for about 2 months now and can not get it to work.
When verify the signature that i created with .net 2.0 it returns true. but
the the one generated by 1.1 returns false. On the 1.1 machine it is the
opposite? Could there be another reason for this?