Philip Blow
Current setup - Windows 2003 Server SP2 (not R2), Windows 2003 SP2 Terminal
Server (not R2), Windows XP SP2 clients with RDP 6.0
I am in the process of testing SP3 and found that when I attempt to open an
RDP file that automatically executes a program on our Terminal Server I
receive a warning message stating that the RDP file is from an unknown
publisher. I can click connect and continue, but would prefer not to receive
30 phones calls once SP3 has been installed.
Is there a way to sign these RDP files with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003?
Current setup - Windows 2003 Server SP2 (not R2), Windows 2003 SP2 Terminal
Server (not R2), Windows XP SP2 clients with RDP 6.0
I am in the process of testing SP3 and found that when I attempt to open an
RDP file that automatically executes a program on our Terminal Server I
receive a warning message stating that the RDP file is from an unknown
publisher. I can click connect and continue, but would prefer not to receive
30 phones calls once SP3 has been installed.
Is there a way to sign these RDP files with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003?