Anna said:
I am trying to upload a logo as my signature but it is saying it's not a
valid text file...any ideas I'm no computer wizz kid??!
"Upload?" Are you trying to send this logo to a file server somewhere?
If so, consult the administrator of that p[articulr server for the
proper procedure(s). Or did you mistakenly use ther term "upload" when
you meant "insert.?"
I'm afraid, however, that no can really help until you provide at least
a modicum of pertinent information. For instance, what specific
application are you using? A word processor? An email client? An FTP
utility? This newsgroup is about Windows Vista, which doesn't even have
any use for "signatures," whatsoever.
Taking a wild guess, I'll go with the email client, for now. First of
all, does that email client support using graphics files as parts of a
signature? Or is there a setting that you need to change? Consult that
specific email client's Help files and/or manufacturer's Support web
site to determine this. This seems likely, as the error message you've
reported indicates that either the application cannot accept grpahics,
or must be configured to compose messages in something other than plain
text, such as Real Text Format (rtf) or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Bruce Chambers
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