Keith Gillion
I get the following error message on start up, reboot,
and my computer crashes at least 3 times an hour, for the
last 4-5 months. Can anyone tell me the error. I have
checked all of my devices and there are all working
error signature
BCCode : 4e BCP1 : 0000008F BCP2 : 000173E2
BCP3 : 00017BE2
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 0_0
Product : 768_1
and my computer crashes at least 3 times an hour, for the
last 4-5 months. Can anyone tell me the error. I have
checked all of my devices and there are all working
error signature
BCCode : 4e BCP1 : 0000008F BCP2 : 000173E2
BCP3 : 00017BE2
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 0_0
Product : 768_1