Can I migrate the NT 4 global group NT4domain\DomainUsers so I can get that
groups sidhistory into AD? Else we have to go through a lot of NT4 resources
and add new AD groups on this. Adding NT4 accounts is not any idea because
it's very many people accessing the resources.
Because every migrated user in the AD is member of ADdomain\domainusers, are
there any way to make that group member of NT4domain\DomainUsers?
I hope I explain our situation. We wants to migrate over 1500 peoble to AD.
The idea is to migrate all global+local groups (with sidhistory) and then
all users (with sidhistory). After that it should work for them to access
all NT4domain resources (over 70 NT4+W2K servers) with the sidhistory.
Resources with migrated group and their personal resources will work with
the sidhistory but not resources with NT4domain\DomainUsers having user
rights. How can this also be automatically migrated as all the other groups
wich not are builtin NT4 groups? If we can migrate groups and accounts and
having them to access everything as usual, then the next idea was to migrate
the servers one and one, and then also fix new groups in AD for these.
groups sidhistory into AD? Else we have to go through a lot of NT4 resources
and add new AD groups on this. Adding NT4 accounts is not any idea because
it's very many people accessing the resources.
Because every migrated user in the AD is member of ADdomain\domainusers, are
there any way to make that group member of NT4domain\DomainUsers?
I hope I explain our situation. We wants to migrate over 1500 peoble to AD.
The idea is to migrate all global+local groups (with sidhistory) and then
all users (with sidhistory). After that it should work for them to access
all NT4domain resources (over 70 NT4+W2K servers) with the sidhistory.
Resources with migrated group and their personal resources will work with
the sidhistory but not resources with NT4domain\DomainUsers having user
rights. How can this also be automatically migrated as all the other groups
wich not are builtin NT4 groups? If we can migrate groups and accounts and
having them to access everything as usual, then the next idea was to migrate
the servers one and one, and then also fix new groups in AD for these.